Monday, April 12, 2010

The countdown has begun! We leave on Thursday evening for Rome. We will be flying Swiss Air and I am quite excited as it is supposed to be a really nice airline. Packing has begun as well as attending to the details that must be seen to when you will be away from home for 3 weeks. Alas, our houseplants may not make it! Perhaps we will find someone to take them in? It just seems wrong to let them die...
We will be stopping in ports in Italy, Spain, Portugal, and France before ending up in London. I have been in Rome and London before (a ZILLION years ago!) but I had a wonderful time there before. I am especially excited to be spending the first of what will surely be many trips to Zurich following the cruise.
I am quite a happy camper!

1 comment:

  1. Have a great trip. I look forward to reading your adventures
